Alcohol is the most widely used psychoactive (mood-changing) recreational drug in Australia.
Each year, around 3000 people die from excessive alcohol consumption and approximately 65 000 are hospitalised.
The cost annually to the Australian community due to alcohol related social problems is estimated to be $7.6 billion.
In 2004, the drinking statuses of the population over 13 years old were as follows:
Daily: 8.9%
Weekly: 41.2%
Less than weekly: 33.5%
Ex-drinker (has consumed at least a full drink but not in the last 12 months):7.1%
Never a full serve of alcohol: 9.3%
In 2004, one in ten Australian drank at levels which are considered to be risky or high risk for alcohol related harm in the future.
The peak age for risky and high risk alcohol consumption is the 20-29 age group and males drink at a slightly higher risk rate.
In the 14-19 age group, females are more likely to indulge in risky drinking than males of the same age.
The estimated pure alcohol intake per person aged 15 and over is 10 litres. The amount of wine consumed per year is around 20L.
Actual statistics on medical students/doctors and alcohol abuse is incredibly hard to find. Doctors are more likely to abuse alcohol and other substances as well as avoid exercise than other groups in society. There are several organisations devoted entirely to doctors’ health such as VDHP (Victorian Doctors Health Program) who have treated 220 doctors in the last 3 years, but only around 30 alcohol related.
In other topics: 15 and 25 per cent of medical students met the criteria for a psychiatric diagnosis.
Female doctors are six times more likely to commit suicide than other women, and all doctors have a heightened risk of suicide and emotional ill health, as do spouses. Their children also have a significantly higher rate of psychiatric breakdown.
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